So you just read a great book and you want to leave a review. But when you put your fingers on the keys, your words fail you. What should you write other than "I really enjoyed this book"? What if there were aspects you didn't like? How can you leave a review that other readers - and maybe the author - will find useful?
Just Use This Handy Questionnaire!
Did you know that 85% of readers trust online reviews as much as they do personal recommendations? It's true!
This clout is why it’s important for readers to write short, honest reviews of the books they read.
You don’t have to write long, full-fledged book reviews; just a few sentences is enough.
These short reviews help other book lovers decide what to read.
The below questionnaire makes writing reviews super-easy.
Reviews help keep the books coming from your favorite authors. If an author’s current book doesn’t have reviews and sales, that author might not have an opportunity to write another book – and that’s a loss for the readers who love that author’s books.
Follow these steps to write your review before sharing it online.
BOOK TITLE _______________________________________________________
AUTHOR ___________________________________________________________
1. How many stars do you give the book? 1 is the lowest score, 5 is the highest. A 5-star rating doesn’t have to mean the book is perfect – a “5” simply means that you really liked it.
2. Answer a few (or all) of these questions about the novel to help you prepare for writing your review.
Did you like the book? Why or why not?
What did you like the most about it?
What did you like the least?
Did it remind you of another book? If so, which one and why?
Would readers of a certain book, author, or type of book like this? Which one?
How did you feel about the characters – were they believable? Likable? Relatable?
Was it too short, too long, or just the right length?
Did it leave you wanting more? Did it leave you satisfied?
Do you recommend it? What do you want to say about your recommendation?
3. Use your answers to the questions above as the basis for your review. This isn’t a book report, so avoid writing a synopsis – that’s already in the book description. Instead, share your opinions. Write it as if you’re sending an email or text to a friend who likes the kinds of books you like. Give your friend – and other book lovers – advice about whether they should read the book. Don’t worry about grammar, etc. Focus on sharing information that will help someone decide if they should read it.
To get you started, here are three actual reviews as examples:
1. I've never been a fan of princesses but I bought this for my daughter and will buy for allof my nieces, too. Anytime we can teach young girls it's okay to be a little different, I'm in!
Thank you for finally making a princess product without a freaking prince! I want my daughter to be independent and scrappy, so we don't buy "prince saves the day" books. I'm a fan of anything that encourages girls to be themselves!
2. A really different book, it took me along for the ride, popping me in and out of brilliantly constructed characters’ heads, embedding me in their lives and secrets, and all the while, just leaving me on edge, wondering what was going to happen next. A very clever, superbly entertaining read, it was so not-mainstream that it was an absolute breath of fresh air. Even the ending left some unfinished business but this was OK as the ending was satisfying. It was a such a compelling read; the author has such a gift for getting the reader right to the heart of things, whether it be involving us with a character's inner thoughts or outward behaviors, the art of photography was so eloquently described that it made this reader understand some of the nuances of a subject about which I previously had zero knowledge or interest.
Made more engrossing through its subtleties, it is such clever writing. In its own understated way, this is a very powerful book; one which will linger with me. It is also so very unexpected, which further added to my enjoyment factor.
3. I cannot add more to the excellent reviews previously posted other than to say I read this book in one sitting not being able to put it down until 4:00 AM! It gripped me emotionally and I'm still thinking about it the next day. Rarely does even a good book have the depth and character development than this one did. I will be looking for more from this amazing author!
Write your four- to 10-sentence review below.
4. Don't forget to title your review. If a friend asked you what you thought about the book, what would you say in just a few words?
Use these three actual review titles as inspiration:
1. A great read about a shameful past practice
2. Read, shudder, think
3. Do not start if you are short on time
What’s your overall opinion in 10 words or less? That is your review title.